• Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Holidays in November

ByClarion Staff

Nov 18, 2013

We start out the month on Nov. 5 with Gunpowder Day. Gunpowder day is the day that commemorates the Gunpowder Conspiracy of 1605 in England. But what if Gunpowder Day this year just celebrates gunpowder? Go out in the garage and get the remaining fireworks from July 4 and shoot them off. If the cops come, tell them that it has to be legal because it is Gunpowder Day.

Nov. 6 is Saxophone Day. On this day, feel free to go to the Music department and show off your skills. Maybe even try to get one of the Music majors to come to your class and play for you. Whatever you chose, do it with a saxophone in mind on this day.

Nov. 9 is Chaos Never Dies Day. Chaos is everywhere — in class, at home, in your car. If you want to be crazy on this day, go ahead. Recognize the chaos in your life and embrace it, because this day is for you.

Nov. 10 is Forget-Me-Not day. This day is reserved for remembering family, friends and loved ones. You can even remember your neighbor that lives right next to you if you want.

On Nov. 12, Chicken Soup for the Soul Day is a day in which readers like me can indulge. Go to the bookstore and get all of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books you can find and read, read, read. Skip your classes to read or read in class, whatever the choice, it is yours.

On Nov. 13 take your mean attitude and throw it out the window, because it is World Kindness Day. On this day, go up to that person you hate and kill them with — you guessed it — kindness. Be compassionate, tell someone that you love their outfit, do whatever you want as long as it is kind.

Nov. 16 is Button Day. On this day you can wear buttons galore; buttons on your shoes, buttons on your nose, buttons on your head. Come up with your own unique style on this day, as long as it involves buttons.

Nov. 17 is Take a Hike Day. Remember that time when you were in a fight and someone told you to “take a hike?” Feel free to call that person on the phone and tell them that you decided to take their suggestion. Hike all day if you want, but make sure to dress warm because the winter weather is coming.

Feeling absurd? Let it all out on Nov. 20 because it is Absurdity Day. Go and find a caterpillar and put it on your nose. Act like it isn’t there and go talk to people. Is it absurd? Who knows, because on this day no one cares.

Nov. 21 is False Confession Day. This would be a terrible day to propose. If you decide to propose on this day, the girl or guy of your dreams may come back with a rude remark and you may have to reevaluate your whole life.

Nov. 23 is Eat a Cranberry Day. As comedian Ron White says, “If it weren’t for Thanksgiving and bladder infections, cranberry growers would go broke.” So do the growers a favor and get your cranberry on.

For those shopping addicts, Nov. 26 is for you. Shopping Reminder Day is just as it sounds: a reminder to go shopping. Go out and spend your day worrying not about the amount in your bank account, but about how you can spend the amount you have.

Nov. 27 is Pins and Needles Day. On this day, you can embrace those tickling feelings of having a body part fall asleep all you want. Those pins and needles don’t know what’s coming. This time you won’t dance around trying to get them to go away.

Nov. 29 is Buy Nothing Day. I assume this day exists because you already spent all your money on Shopping Reminder Day. On this day, do nothing shopping related and eat the remainders of your Thanksgiving dinner.

Nov. 30 is Stay at Home Because You Are Well Day. Are you well? Then stay at home. Use this day to clean your house, become one with your couch or play with your pets. Whatever it is, stay at home, because you are well.

If you have any unique November holidays you would like to share, email us at clarion@sinclair.edu. Happy celebrating.