• Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Student Government positions available for students

ByClarion Staff

Sep 10, 2013

Any Sinclair Community College student with good academic standing is able to run for the president, vice president, secretary and treasurer positions within the Student Government Association.

Those who wish to run may pick up a petition in the Student Leadership Development office in Building 8, Room 025. Candidates must collect 20 signatures from 20 other students with good academic standing; they then must turn the completed petition in to the SLD office by noon on Sept. 20.

The student senate will elect positions on Sept. 27.

Those running for the positions are able to campaign at any time by posting signage and passing out flyers. The signage must follow Sinclair Community College’s posting policy and the flyers must be approved by the SGA advisor.

All candidates must attend the Leadership Institute on Sept. 20, between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. in the Building 8 stage area. During this event, club members and candidates will receive training on various procedures, such as how to reserve rooms and paperwork. In Addition, attendees will learn parliament procedure.

“We’ll start the year off with an all day retreat, all day meeting. Sharing with everyone everything they need to know in order to be an effective club,” SGA Advisor Tom Roberts said.

He said there is work that comes along with being involved in SGA, including civic engagement, student involvement and possibly planning Spring Fling, which will be held later in the academic year.

“There will be work,” Roberts said. “The Student Government last year was very much involved with civic engagement, several community projects as well as campus activities.”

Roberts said he hopeås to have a campus-wide election for the next candidates running for the SGA positions by May 2014 or 2015. That way, the elected candidiates can spend the summer afterward training and can start the new academic year ready to begin their positions.

“We know that civic engagement is critical, student engagement is critical and that will be two of the major pieces that we look at as we go into this year and next year,” he said.