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Off-beat holidays featured in the summer months

ByClarion Staff

Jun 18, 2013

Finally, we have arrived — we finished our exams, the sun is out, the pools are open and every day feels like a good day for ice cream. It is June, which is without a doubt the season’s best time. You have the whole summer left to have adventures, relax, get ahead on school, make some extra cash at a part time job and celebrate June’s quirky holidays.

A wise man once said, “life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” That man was Ferris Bueller. He urged the 1980s’ youth to participate in life and take the time to appreciate the small things. That message is still pertinent today, there is even a holiday on June 19 that encapsulates this philosophy — World Sauntering Day. It is about slowing down in life and appreciating the small things that you take for granted when you go through your busy schedule. Celebrating this day is easy and probably extremely lovely: just walk a little slower, pay attention to nature’s subtleties and listen to the world’s natural sounds all around, as opposed to just listening to your iPod. I am sure Ferris Bueller would have been the holiday’s biggest fan; he would probably use it as an excuse to skip more school.

Depending on your perspective, June 24 will either be a vaguely pleasant day or a deeply annoying one — It is International Fairy Day. On this day, it is socially acceptable to proclaim your love and belief in fairies without it coming across as sad or creepy. For those who celebrate this off-beat holiday, it would be relaxing to lay outside on blanket and read a book about fairies and their origins in the nice, warm sun. If you are a more zealous individual, you could even dress up as a fairy in order to show your pride. What a memorable holiday that would be.

Sometime around the second week in July, an unfriendly feeling sets in — the age-old dilemma of having too much time and not enough things to do. If this situation sounds familiar, then fret no longer because July is also filled with fun holidays to occupy your mind and time.

First, is Compliment Your Mirror Day on July 3. It is a holiday with a really great message about self-acceptance. Spend a good three minutes staring at yourself in the mirror without judgment or shame and give the mirror (and your reflection) a compliment. Here are some examples: “Even though I’m super sunburnt, I still think I look swell!” or “My hair vaguely resembles a bush this morning, but I think my smile is terrific!” You can even compliment the mirror itself, “Gosh mirror, your four corners are looking especially fantastic today!”  The point is, accept yourself — flaws and all because if you respect yourself, others respect you as well.

With July 10, comes quite possibly the most adorable holiday ever, it is Teddy Bear Picnic Day. On this day, treat your favorite stuffed animal to a picnic in the great outdoors while the weather is nice. Or grab a friend, bake some cookies and have a picnic with your stuffed animals together.

July 14 brings a slightly unconventional holiday, it is National Nude Day. It is a day that celebrates those who prefer the “au naturel” look. Whatever your stance, “celebrating” this holiday here at Sinclair Community College might get you more than a few strange looks.

With July 19, comes an obscure holiday whose meaning is not easy to guess at first glance. It is Flitch Day and its name has historical meaning. Flitch Day originally came about during the 15th century in Dunmore Piory, England, when monks offered bacon slivers, also known as flitch, to couples who were still faithful and in love after their first year being married. Most couples actually were not successful. This is where we get the popular idiom “bringing home the bacon.”

Yet another obscure holiday is Ratcatcher’s Day, on July 22. It commemorates the date that the Pied Piper led the children from their village to their demise, according to the German legend. On this day, it might be interesting to read up on the various renditions for this macabre myth, because there are quite a few.

Finally, July 27 is Take Your Pants for a Walk Day. This is essentially someone’s gentle way to tell the world not to be such a fat slob, put down the meatball sub and take a walk around the block. While this holiday’s concept is great, you have way more options than just walking.  Runing, swiming, playing your favorite sport — the opportunities are endless. Exercising for at least a half hour a day is a lot more important than watching that America’s Next Top Model marathon.

Hopefully these offbeat holidays will combat that pesky summer boredom.  If you have any other off-beat holidays worth mentioning, email them to clarion@sinclair.edu. Happy celebrating.