• Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Writers Workshop open to students

ByClarion Staff

Apr 1, 2013

The 39th Annual Writer’s Workshop at Sinclair Community College gives writers a chance to come together and get advice from those more experienced, while also gaining knowledge on how to succeed on their own.

“The Writer’s Workshop is an opportunity for emerging writers, as well as experienced writers to come together and learn more about their craft,” Furaha Henry-Jones, assistant English professor said. “It’s a half-day workshop for writers to meet one on one.”

The opening of the workshop this year is a free keynote address given by award-winning novelist Andrew Krivak at 11 a.m. Krivak is the author of the award-winning novel, “The Sojourn,” which won the Dayton Literary Peace Prize along with the Inaugural Chautauqua Prize. This will be his first time at Sinclair.

After the keynote address, the session presenters Sierra Leone, Lee Croxx, Kate Geiselman, Sharon Short and Adam Williams will cover topics such as fiction, poetry, nonfiction and the business of writing.

These sessions are $5 for students, $10 for seniors, staff or faculty and $25 for the general public. The cost covers the afternoon sessions and food that will be provided.

“Those who are registered get food,” Henry-Jones said. “Those who are not registered won’t have access to that.”

Henry-Jones also said that in the past the workshop was free, but this year everyone has to pay for the afternoon sessions.

“With the economic times, it is becoming more difficult for us to run the workshop with the quality of writers that we like to have — so we are charging,” she said.

To fill out the registration form, visit sinclair.edu/academics/lcs/departments/eng/ws/regis/index.cfm.

“The Writer’s Workshop is a resource to Sinclair that I don’t think enough students know about and participate in,” Henry-Jones said. “There is real value in having these experts right here on our campus.”

The Writer’s Workshop is from 12:05 to 3:50 p.m. with Open Mic to end the event from 3:55 to 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 5.

Although Open Mic is part of the workshop, it is free and open to the public.

For any questions regarding registration, payment or sessions, contact Henry-Jones at furaha.henry-jones@sinclair.edu or talk to an English professor.