• Mon. Mar 17th, 2025

Odd and interesting holidays in April

ByClarion Staff

Apr 1, 2013

April is a weird month weather-wise, especially here in the midwest.  One day can bring sunshine, the next can bring overcast clouds and rain. Not only is the weather uninspiring, but it can also feel like there aren’t really any holidays to counterbalance this unpredictable month — with an exception of April Fool’s Day. However, there just so happens to be a plethora of fun and somewhat unconventional holidays that only the April fool wouldn’t celebrate.

Do you love birds? If so, April 8 will be joyous because it’s Draw a Picture of a Bird Day. It’s a day to break out the art supplies and immortalize your love for avians in art. It sounds like a spectacular way to boost one’s self esteem. Another beautiful aspect to the holiday is the sheer number of birds that exist. Your muse can be anything from a common sparrow, to an ostrich. There’s no rule saying that the bird you draw has to be realistic, you can even make up a bird if you want.

Some may think April 15 is one of the unluckiest days of the year, as it’s the day Abraham Lincoln died, the Titanic sank and the day taxes are due. April 15 is actually known as That Sucks Day and it’s probably the most aptly named holiday out there. A good way to “celebrate” That Sucks Day is to accept that things will, in fact, suck on this day. I mean, do you honestly think a day that killed Abraham Lincoln, 1,502 ship passengers and the wealth in our wallets is going to quit while it’s ahead?

With April 17, comes the most eloquent of holiday names: Blah Blah Blah Day.  Fortunately, it is a day that has absolutely nothing to do with the pop singer, Ke$ha.  You may be surprised to learn that Blah Blah Blah Day is actually a day devoted to personal productivity. It’s a day to go out and do things that someone has been nagging you to do. Is someone bugging you to get a job? Then go get a job. Do your parents keep asking you to clean your room? Go clean your room.

Make it your mission for the day to tackle all the things that people have been pestering you to do with the beautiful knowledge that you can resume your previous behavior for the other 364 days of the year.

April 25 is Red Hat Society Day and it has an awesome concept.  For those who don’t know, the Red Hat Society is a group of women over the age of 50 that dress in red hats and purple outfits and go out as a group and engage in social activities. The group’s purpose is to celebrate age instead of being ashamed or debilitated by it. It was started when the club’s founder, Sue Ellen Cooper and a group of her friends, dressed in matching outfits and met for tea on April 25, 1998.

April 26 will probably be very popular with many women, as it’s Hug an Australian Day. This is a delightfully self-explanatory holiday where one simply must hug an Australian — hug as many Aussies as possible for that matter. If Heath Ledger were still alive, many would probably be searching for him in Australia now in preparation for this lovely holiday. However, if someone doesn’t have an Australian friend or does but doesn’t feel like hugging them, a dinner at Outback Steakhouse would probably still count as celebrating the holiday.

April is the last full month of spring semester and getting into the holiday spirit is the perfect way to help the weeks pass by even faster.

If you know of any other holidays worth celebrating, email us at clarion@sinclair.edu. Happy celebrating!