• Tue. Mar 18th, 2025

Campus Ministry offers multi-faith experience

ByClarion Staff

Feb 18, 2013

campusministry blessingbeads

The office of Campus Ministry is located in Building 10 Room 310, where countless people pass by on a daily basis.

“We understand ourselves to be open to anyone who comes through the door whatever their faith tradition…we seek to meet people where they are whether they are people of faith or people who are searching in terms of their faith,” Rev. Dr. Barbara Battin, interfaith campus minister said.

Campus Ministry has three primary focuses, which are pastoral care, spiritual growth and development and educational activities.

“Pastoral care is everything from dealing with homeless students, to any kind of emergency needs, to referrals, to prayer requests,” Dr. Jane Steinhauser, interfaith campus minister said

According to its flyer, educational services include class and guest lectures, presentations, campus programming and peace education in addition to retreats and programs for spiritual growth and development.

“We have a women’s retreat program, days of reflection and the Golden Rule Workshop,” Steinhauser said.

Steinhauser said Campus Ministry is multi-faith based.

“If people come in with denominational religions or denominational questions, we work with those as well.” Steinhauser said.

If the office is not available for assistance, they are able to point those with questions in the right direction.

“If we don’t have answers, we will recommend where they can go. We don’t have all the answers, but we work at pointing people in the right direction,” Battin said.

Campus Ministry is not only available to students.

“It’s for everybody. That’s something we really want to make clear. We’re here not just for students, but for faculty and staff administrators — anybody is welcome to come see us,” Battin said.

On Feb. 12, they held an open house.

“Every semester, we do an open house inviting people to stop by and get information,” Steinhauser said.

During the open house, the office gave away blessing beads.

“We are inviting everybody on campus to come by and pick up a set of blessing beads…just as a way to celebrate and support who people are around here and what graces we are,” Steinhauser said.

On April 1 through 5, World Religions and Spirituality’s week will be held.

“Another part of that week is inviting people to experience a variety of spiritual practices,” Steinhauser said.

Various events will be held that provide information about different religions.

“There will be events providing information on world religions, conversations on atheism, agnosticism, secular humanism [and] a teaching on Seder that teaches people about the Passover meal,” Battin said.

Campus Ministry has a bulletin board that has information on events. They also have an information rack right outside their door and an emailing list.

The message Campus Ministry would like to send is that they are a place of support and help.

“There is a place on campus to help support their spiritual journeys,” Steinhauser said.

The Campus Ministry Office hours are Monday through Thursday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. other times are available by appointment. Campus ministry can be reached at 512-2768.