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Math Lab offers free tutoring

ByClarion Staff

Nov 20, 2012

The Math Lab offers a free service for Sinclair students to work on their math homework. It is open to students taking math classes as well as those taking chemistry and physics classes.

The lab is divided into two different sections for different purposes. One side is equipped with 52 computers so students can work independently on their coursework with programs such as MyMathLab. Students can also utilize graphing software if necessary.

The Math Lab personnel will also help students set up accounts to specific programs needed for particular classes.

“I’m in need of tutoring,” Sinclair student Ashley Bellfo said. “I’m not really the best student. I’ll come in here, I’ll do my homework and if I don’t understand, they’ll go over step-by-step.”

On the other side of the lab, students can get help on their work from tutors walking around the area. Unlike Tutorial Services, students can only utilize the tutors for a few minutes because they have to share them with the other students in the room.

Students who excel at math also have opportunities to become a tutor at the Math Lab.

“For tutoring here we have higher standards than Tutorial Services,” said Brett Holland, Math Learning Center facilitator. “That’s because we see everybody in here from beginning algebra through calculus. You still go through Tutorial Services but you have to have passed at least Calculus 1.”

He said this requirement is in place to ensure that the person tutoring has the expertise to be able to help in all levels of math.

Making an appointment for math help in either room is not required, as the Math Lab operates with a walk-in policy. Students sign in on a computer, specifying why they are utilizing the facility and sign out when they are finished.