After a two-year hiatus, Sinclair Community College’s Aviation Club returns this year with optimism and big plans on the horizon.
With no one to fill the void in leadership that was left when the club’s previous president graduated, the club fell into a period of inactivity in 2010 and 2011 until David Haase, current club president and student, revived the student-run organization last spring.
Haase described the Aviation Club as being a group filled with comradery that works to build awareness about aviation and develop network connections, while enjoying what they love.
“We love airplanes. We love everything about them,” said Haase.
Already this year, the club has held several cook outs and participated in the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport’s first Runway Fest, which included B-17 bomber rides, other warbird aircraft on display, vendors, fireworks, aircraft rides in some of the training planes, and a Wright B Flyer flyover.
The club’s show of appreciation for Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport, from which they operate, doesn’t stop with their presence at Runway Fest.
“The Sinclair Aviation Club looks forward to hosting community ‘fly-ins’ at the Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport,” said Haase. “If you like aviation, just wing on in.”
At Dayton-Wright Brothers Airport, club members with pilot licenses can obtain authorization to fly planes that are rented through Aviation Sales Inc. that include Cessna 152s, Cessna 172s, and an Aztec, which provides an opportunity for multiengine flight training.
According to Haase, there are preliminary talks underway that may lead to the club’s involvement in flight competitions with other colleges, and with the emergence of Sinclair’s Unmanned Aerial Systems Certificate, there is also interest in remote controlled aircraft activities.
Kent Wingate, Chairman of the Aviation Technology Department, considers Haase to have the vision and commitment to move the club forward, while promoting interaction and awareness of the program.
“The Aviation Club is a really cool deal,” said Wingate. “The idea is to pull the students together to give them some common bonds. Otherwise, all they ever do is see each other in class.”
The club, which is free to join, is open to all Sinclair students, faculty, staff and alumni, as well as anyone in the community that is interested in aviation.
A majority of the student members study within the aviation department, pursuing careers that include aircraft maintenance, professional pilot, flight attendant and aircraft dispatcher.
With 19 current members and several more expected to join up soon, the Aviation Club is ready for its second approach and Haase is continuing to promote awareness about Sinclair’s Aviation Department.
“We’re a pretty tight-knit group,” said Haase of the club, before reiterating the chance of food, flight, fun and friendship. “Whatever we do, there will be food involved and a lot of the time will be spent at the airport, meetings possibly at the airport, and also just to expect fun.”
Those who are interested in joining the Aviation Club should contact Davis Haase at david.haase@sinclair.edu.