• Wed. Jul 17th, 2024

Making the Dean’s List

ByClarion Staff

Feb 13, 2012

Two weeks ago, the Clarion ran the list of Sinclair students who earned their names on last quarter’s Dean’s List. Some students may be interested in what requirements they had to meet to be on the list.

To make the Dean’s List at Sinclair, a student must have:

Completed at least six credit hours of college level courses

Have a grade point average of at least 3.4

Have no grades below a “C” in that term

Be in good academic standing

The calculation of a student’s GPA is based on all A-F letter grades, and don’t include the following grade types:

X (audit)

S or U (satisfactory or unsatisfactory)

P (pass)

W (withdrawal)

Y (articulated or proficiency credit)

N (progress)

I (incomplete)

IP (in progress)

In 2011, 9,897 Sinclair students made the Dean’s List, which amounts to almost a fourth of all students enrolled. Sinclair has seen a slight increase in the number of Dean’s List students over the last couple of years, up from 7,328 students (20.5 percent of enrollment) back in 2007.

Congratulations and good luck during this quarter!