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Piece of excellence award to recognize the ‘unsung heroes’

ByClarion Staff

Jan 9, 2012

Support staff members were recognized as an important “piece” of the Sinclair Community College puzzle with a new award being introduced for the first time this year, says Educational and Professional Development Committee (EPDC) Chair Cathy Harter.

Three support staff members out of the 37 nominated were presented with the Piece of Excellence Award on Friday, Dec. 9 in the great hall of Building 12 as a part of Staff Professional Development Day, according to Harter.

The Vice President for Organizational Development Dr. Mary Tripp Gaier announced the winners of the award.

The winners were: Karen Janka from the business and public services department, Becky Edwards from the liberal arts, communication and social sciences department and Christine Steineman from the health information management department. As the winners, they each received a crystal trophy, $250 and a Sinclair portfolio.

“These 3 winners set the bar for the future winners [of the award],” said Harter during a phone interview. “[They represent] what’s considered to be exceptional [and] innovative.”

The award is intended to annually recognize the “unsung heroes,” among support staff members and provide increased morale among the staff, according to Harter and Staff Senate President Annette Koronowski.

The purpose is to recognize support staff members going above and beyond in their position and, as a result, encourage other staff members to strive to do the same, said Koronowski.

Support staff members who would be good nominees are “customer focused, going above and beyond [and] innovative in the way they think,” according to Harter.

The idea for the award was formed by the EPDC sub-committee, a part of the Staff Senate, over the course of a year, according to Koronowski. During that year, the sub-committee examined how other colleges in Ohio recognize staff members and created the name for the award.

The word “piece” in the title Piece of Excellence Award is an acronym for “professional, innovative, extraordinary, customer focused, exceptional,” according to Harter.

“I think it showed great support,” by recognizing a support staff member who’s doing a good job, said Koronowski.

All of the nominees received a certificate to place on their door or cubicle as a means of advertising their nomination for the award, said Harter.

At Sinclair, the classifications for support staff are: service, maintenance, clerical or technical, according to Koronowski.

Support staff members are “usually behind the scenes,” supporting supervisors and playing “a vital role,” in connecting students to resources on campus, said Harter and Koronowski.

The original proposal to the Staff Senate by the EPDC sub-committee did not allow students to participate in the nomination of support staff.

But now, Koronowski and Harter say that there are ways for students to recognize a support staff member who has helped them. Students are encouraged to write a note to that department detailing how the support staff member helped them or speak directly to that department’s supervisor and suggest the staff member they think should be nominated for the award.

“It is really important because the award recognizes employees who are going above and beyond,” Koronowski said. “When an employee goes above and beyond, it is not only beneficial to students, faculty and staff but everyone they come in contact with.”