• Sat. Feb 15th, 2025

Short term classes are a choice for students

ByTaurin Hickman

Apr 25, 2011

Students who may not want to take a full term of classes have the opportunity to take short term classes instead.

One full term quarter of classes is either 10 or 11 weeks long. The shorter term classes will split the quarter into five week courses and are offered through certain classes. The names of the terms of classes are categorized by letters.

For example, spring quarter runs from March 28 to June 12. The first short term classes for spring are called “A-term” and begins at the beginning of the quarter,  and lasts until May 11. The second short term classes, “B-term”, begins on May 9 and ends June 12, the last day of the quarter. Many of these classes are offered off the main campus at different Sinclair Learning Centers.

Academic Advisor Shelia Magnuson said she wants students to know that they shouldn’t try to jump into term classes just to finish faster.

“The thing to be careful of is that you don’t consider it during a time you can take full-time courses,” Magnuson said. “What happens is you are doing in five weeks what you are normally doing in 10 weeks, so it becomes a time when you’re doing double the amount of work.”

There are other mini-term opportunities, such as winter mini-term which goes on through winter break. Also, during the summer quarter, the full quarter is known as “C-term” and there are also seven week terms offered which are known as “D-term”

“The classes for ‘D-term’ are for certain classes that can’t reduce the class material to five weeks but they can do it in less than 10.”

One problem Magnuson said students should look out for is planning to take a course that overlaps with other classes.

“Most students have already registered for their 10 week quarter, and if any classes overlap you can’t take the short term class,” Magnuson said.

She also wants students to realize the type of commitment that will be needed for a short term class before taking it.

“I would say that students should talk to an academic advisor before they decide to take short term classes,” Magnuson said. “It is a great opportunity to finish a class faster, but these types of classes are not for everyone. You have to stay very organized and focused.”