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NBA Playoff Preview

ByClarion Staff

Apr 18, 2011

With the NBA playoffs having begun, Editor Adam Adkins and News Editor Taurin Hickman are here to give you some opinions on who’ll win and why.

Are there any potential upsets in the first round?

Taurin: I really wish Memphis had a healthy Rudy Gay.   If so, I would pick them over San Antonio.  I also think New York has a chance over Boston.

Adam: We all agree that the Kendrick Perkins trade hurt, but I don’t see the Celtics losing to a team that is allergic to defense.  I’d watch out for the Portland-Dallas series.

What would be the most exciting second round matchup?

Adam: How does the Miami Heat playing the Boston Celtics grab you?

Taurin: Star-studded.  You could have seven All-Stars on the court at once.  The Lakers-Blazers series would be exciting.  If I’m a Laker fan, I’m scared of Portland.  They can definitely give Kobe fits.

Adam: The Gerald Wallace trade might cost the Lakers a fourth straight trip to the Finals and a third ring.  In the end, I’d take the Lakers, but it won’t be easy.  I think Thunder-Spurs could be neat, too.  Old Guard versus New Guard?

Taurin: Russell Westbrook versus Tony Parker would be interesting.  But Kevin Durant would go crazy.

Can anyone stop the Chicago Bulls?

Taurin:  The Pacers can!

Adam: Maybe if you make the Bulls play with only their bench, but even with that bench the Pacers would be taken to a seventh game.

Taurin: Sigh.  I know, I know.  But seriously, I think Miami can.  I think the Bulls are somewhat like the 2001 Philadelphia 76ers when it was Allen Iverson doing it all.

Adam: But, unlike Iverson, I think Derrick Rose wants to get more people involved.  A Derrick Rose and Carlos Boozer pick and roll is pretty good.  But, if the Heat start running a Dwayne Wade/LeBron James pick and roll, how do you stop that?

Taurin: You don’t.  You pray.  Hopefully, the Heat will give the ball to Chris Bosh in the post.  He can play down there.

Are the Lakers the team to beat in the West?

Adam:  They absolutely are.  They are deep, and they have a relatively healthy Kobe Bryant.  Still, if he gets in one of his funks, can they survive?

Taurin: I believe they are, I think the Lakers play the best when they go inside-out.  Hopefully Kobe realizes that and doesn’t jack up random threes.

Adam: Back in January, I’d have said the San Antonio Spurs were the favorite.  Are you buying them at all?

Taurin: One word, two letters: no.  They don’t play defense.  They aren’t the defensive team they used to be.  Tim Duncan and Manu Ginobili aren’t what they used to be.  This is Tony Parker’s team; can he lead you to a championship?

Adam: I don’t think so.

Who wins it all and why?

Adam: I am taking the Chicago Bulls to beat the Oklahoma City Thunder in 6, with that point guard of theirs as MVP.  I think the Bulls’ defense and Rose making plays will be enough.  I don’t think the Lakers are good enough to win 3 straight.

Taurin: I’m going to pick what David Stern wants: Heat versus Lakers.  I’ll take the Lakers in 6, and Kobe is the MVP (by default).  So, bring back the Kobe and LeBron puppet commercials!