• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Running to save lives

ByClarion Staff

Mar 7, 2011

Taking on a challenge that will test her perseverance and determination, Sinclair Community College student Regina Brewer will partner with Team Challenge to run 13 miles on June 4 to raise funds and help find a cure for Chron’s disease and Colitis ulcerative.

According to the website, ccfa.org, Chron’s disease is a chronic debilitating disorder that causes inflammation of the digestive or gastrointestinal tract.

“There are so many people suffering from this disease,” she said. “Our honoree this year is a 14-year-old boy named Lucas. He was diagnosed at the age of 11 and you can tell that he is in a lot of pain and struggling. But when I talked to him, the only thing he talked about was how his disease affected everybody else.”

At that moment, Brewer took the challenge to run the 13 miles and raise the funds for research because she felt that “this is something I can do.”

“If Lucas was able to be up and running, I just imagine what he could be doing for this world,” she said. “But he is hindered because of his disease.”

While the training sessions have already begun for the Virginia Wine Country Half Marathon with Team Challenge, she said those who are interested could still donate, spread the word or wear a free t-shirt. There is so much that can be done, according to Brewer.

“Not everybody has a million dollars and can donate 10 percent, that’s not the point,” she said. “I don’t have a lot of money. I’m a student, I’m a mother of three, and I work part-time. But if I can come out and try to help someone raise money and find a cure for these diseases, then I am doing my part. I am helping make a change.”

If students or faculty are interested in donating she said the website to help her reach her fundraising goal is www.active.com/donate/virginia11swohio/Virginia11RBrewer. Her personal goal, she said, is to raise 3,300 by April 3. She said all money donated to her website will go straight to the Chron’s and Colitis Foundation, and 80 percent of all proceeds that the Foundation receives will go toward research, education and support services. For more information visit the website www.ccteamchallenge.org.

“The purpose of Team Challenge is for us to all come together and unite,” she said. “We raise the funds but it is more about running and walking for a purpose. If you donate $100 to my website, I run an extra mile and put that person’s name on my Team Challenge jersey, so that helps me complete and not give up after the sixth mile. I’ll remember that there is somebody who donated in order for me to finish this.”