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Clarion Consensus

ByAdam Adkins

Feb 21, 2011

Are you ready for spring and summer? The Clarion is.  We can tolerate the snow and ice of winter for a little while, but by Valentine’s Day, we’ve just had enough.

The frigid temperatures, the wind biting at your neck, cheeks and hands and the slush that coats the roads of our cities all combine to make winter a generally miserable time.  We do realize that some of you enjoy this stuff, and to be fair, we don’t understand you.  Sorry.

Who enjoys waking up to the thermometer reading 1 degree?  Seriously.  Send us an e-mail (clarion@sinclair.edu) and tell us if you enjoy that.   As children, most of us would agree with you.  Building snowmen and snow angels was fun, for sure.  And we do remember snow ball fights.

But that was, in some cases, over 10 years ago for us.  We’re past that now.  We’re all summer people here at the Clarion.  We want sunshine, shorts, lemonades and barbeques.  We want baseball, swimming pools and palm trees.  Summer just feels like such a happier time.  Winter?  Dreary and miserable.

We once read that ancient Romans intentionally placed more holidays in the winter months of their calendar.  Why?  Because they had no electricity and with it being dark most of the time, the winter could really be a drag.  So, voila, add in some holidays to spice things up.

Think about it.  We go from Halloween to Thanksgiving to Christmas to New Year’s in the span of a few months.  It spices things up, no?  We find ourselves getting excited about Christmas the day after Thanksgiving.  With it cold, dark and snowy outside, that’s all we have to be excited for.

In May or June, getting up and seeing the sun is enough.  We personally think, knowing that you could go to a pool, walk down the street, play catch in the backyard or wash your car without the threat of frostbite is pretty nice.

It won’t be long before the bulky jackets, scarves and gloves are put away.  Flip flops, cargo shorts and sunglasses will be back and it’ll finally be nice to go outside again.

Of course, just as soon as we say that, Ohio’s weather will change and we’ll be right back where we started.  Can we just fast forward to June, please?