• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

Theatre scholarship audition set for Feb. 25

ByAdam Adkins

Feb 14, 2011

Any student wishing to be a part of the Sinclair Community College’s Theatre department can now apply for scholarships that can cover up to 12 credit hours per quarter to study theatre, according to Patti Celek.

Celek, the Theatre Department marketing director, said in an e-mail it that was an “awesome opportunity.”  Students can contact Gina Neuerer at 512-2455 to schedule their audition.  The auditions are on Feb. 25 and begin at 4 p.m.

Those auditioning need to bring a resume.  Performance majors should have a performance of no longer than four minutes ready, and “[it should] include either two contrasting monologues or one song and one monologue,” Celek said.

“Theatre technology majors should bring a portfolio and/or be prepared to discuss interest and experiences in theatre technology and design,” Celek said.

The key to doing well in the audition is to be prepared.

“Do research on monologues. Test them on others,” Celek said.  “Practice and memorize.  Take constructive criticism.”

A lot of preparation should go into the audition, according to Celek.

“It may seem a bit daunting, but it really isn’t for someone considering theatre as a career,” Celek said.  “Even the best actors audition over and over during their careers and technology students create portfolios for job interviews as well. Every show is a new slate and a new opportunity to create live theatre with a different team.”

Celek said that students sometimes ask if there are any jobs in theatre and she said jobs do exist.  Performers can work in regional theatre, touring theatre, film, television, commercials, directing or even teach.  Technicians can do much of the same and more.

“There are so many aspects (and jobs) to creating theatre,” Celek said.  “Competition is brutal but you’d never tell a talented ball player to drop his/her dream of playing in the pros.  You’d say go for it, and if they truly love what they do, they’ll find a way to play or coach, to stay with their passion.”