• Thu. Feb 27th, 2025

Give my credit card number to who?

It seems to be inevitable that most of us at sometime have or will hear that pesky voice on the other line telling us we have forgot to pay a bill or our bank account has been overdrawn.

To make matters worse, the person who conveys this message usually speaks only 10 words of your native language and refuses to provide any compassion to your situation, even if the missed payment was just a minor slip up. They demand your money be given to them right here and right now.

What if that other person on the line isn’t really who they say they are, though?

I assume my number has been given to the national scammers club because I consistently become the victim of some con trying to beat me out of my last $100 by telling me that I have overdrawn my US Bank account.

Oh yeah, buddy? The last time I checked I didn’t have an account with this particular bank. Click.

It is hard enough trying to get my bills paid on time without con artists trying to steal my hard earned dollars. The audacity of these people.

I have to be thankful for the numerous times they have called and sent text messages that I have not fallen victim to their devious plans. It would definitely be hard to sleep at night knowing I gave my life savings to a robber.

I still worry though about the people who do fall for their shams. I mean would my Grandmother really know the difference between someone really calling to say the electric bill was not received?

After googling this topic extensively I found out there are countless amounts of people dealing with the same thing and most of them are not falling for the lies either. There are even websites such as www.whocallsme.com that have thousands of scam numbers and feedback from people who are receiving outrageous messages.

Scammers, watch out, it might not be tomorrow or the next day, but the people have united and we will find you.