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NBA Blog: Western Conference Predictions

BySamuel Huist

Oct 24, 2009

I can’t wait for the NBA season to start. Here is how I think the Western Conference  will wind up, not considering the injuries and trades that will inevitably happen.

kobe-bryant-2009-finals-20090529_zaf_e47_659[1]1. Los Angeles Lakers

The defending champs are absolutely stacked. They have three great big men in Pau Gasol, Lamar Odom and Andrew Bynum who will dominate the boards and convert buckets in the paint. They have a good bench, great veteran leadership and the best coach in the NBA, ten-time champion Phil Jackson. And I didn’t even mention the Black Mamba himself, Mr. Kobe Bryant. The only question with this team is how Ron Artest will fit in. If Ron-Ron isn’t happy, he has the capability to implode the team.

2. San Antonio Spurs

Just when I thought the Spurs were done as title contenders, they go out and add Richard Jefferson, Antonio McDyess and Dejaun Blair. I think the Spurs will win 60-plus regular season games and is the only team in the conference with a legitimate shot at dethroning the Lakers, but that depends greatly on the health of the big three. Manu Ginobli, 32, has battled ankle injuries the last two seasons. Tim Duncan, 33, is slowing down with age and Tony Parker, 27, injured his ankle this summer playing for the French national team.

3. Dallas Mavericks

Any team that has Jason Terry, Drew Gooden and J.J. Barea coming off their bench is incredibly deep in my opinion. Throw in former MVP Dirk Nowitski and future hall of famer Jason Kidd, and you have the recipe for a deep playoff run.

4. Utah Jazz

The Jazz are tricky. Two years ago, with pretty much the same roster they gave the Spurs all they could handle in the western conference finals. But, the last two years have been marked by early playoff exits, horrible road records and critical injuries to their star players, guard Deron Williams and forward Carlos Boozer. I think luck will finally go the Jazz’s way this year. Boozer is playing for contract and will have a great season, leading the Jazz to home court advantage in the first-round.

5. Portland Trailblazers

Talk about a talented team. Roy, Aldridge, Outlaw, Fernandez, Miller and Blake are versatile scorers that might give the Blazers one of the best offenses in the league. They also have Oden and Przybilla to defend the paint and rebound. So why aren’t they higher up on the list?

The answer is simple: They aren’t as good as the teams above them.

6. Phoenix Suns

The Suns are back to their run and gun style that made them so fun to watch just a few years ago. I think Channing Frye will be a better fit in Phoenix than Shaquille O’Neal was and after watching Steve Nash in preseason, I think he as at least one more all-star caliber season left in him. The biggest flaw I see with team is defense. There is none.

7. Denver Nuggets

It seemed like everything went right for the Nuggets last year. They made a great trade for all-star point guard Chauncey Billups that stabilized their team. Nene and Kenyon Martin somehow managed to stay healthy after years of injuries. Chris Anderson came back from a drug suspension and had an outstanding season off the bench. But, I just don’t see all of these things happening again. I predict the Nuggets will fall back to the middle of the pack, a spot they are familiar with.

8. Los Angeles Clippers

I like the Clip’s frontline and young talent. Blake Griffin should be a stud and Eric Gordan can shoot the ball with the best of them. But, when you really get down to it, the Clippers playoff chances hinge on whether or not Baron Davis is interested in playing basketball. I watched a couple of Clippers games on NBA TV last year and Davis was apathetic. I think this year Davis will spend less time hanging out with Adam Sandler and more time earning his $12,000,000 salary.

9. New Orleans Hornets

Chris Paul is a beast; there is no question about that. The thing is, he doesn’t have much talent around him. Emeka Okafor is a mediocre power forward trying to play center and David West does very little besides shoot mid-range jumpers. This team is too predictable. All of their hopes rest upon the shoulders of Paul.

10. Houston Rockets

No Yao Ming, no Tracy McGrady and no Ron Artest equal no playoffs for the Rockets. Veterans like Shane Battier, Luis Scola and Trevor Ariza will keep this team competitive, but they just don’t have enough talent to make any sort of impact.

11. Golden State Warriors

When you take a look at the Warriors’ roster, you see names like Ellis, Jackson, Maggette, Azubuike, Morrow and Curry.

Talented players?


The problem?

They all play the same position! Until the Warriors acquire a legit point guard and big man, they will be stuck at the bottom of the conference.

12. Oklahoma City Thunder

My co-worker at the Clarion, Mr. Stevens, thinks the Thunder will make the playoffs this season, but I just don’t see it. They have a top-five player in Kevin Durant, but they lack the interior defense, rebounding and experience to make any kind of playoff run. I thought they should have signed some veterans this offseason to put around Durant, like the Nuggets did for Carmelo Anthony a few years back.

13. Sacramento Kings

The Kings have a lot of young talent. Players like Tryeke Evans, Jason Thompson and Kevin Martin will make this team better than most expect and they should be fun to watch. With the talent they got, in couple of years they could be a powerhouse in the west.

14. Memphis Grizzlies

The Grizzlies have the oddest mix of players in the league. Young studs like O.J. Mayo and Rudy Gay could be great if veterans Allen Iverson and Zach Randolph don’t screw them up first. The Grizzlies don’t know if they’re coming or going.

15. Minnesota Timberwolves

What is there to say about the T’Wolves? They have very little talent and probably won’t surpass 15 victories this season.