• Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Iran’s culture and government discussed at Sinclair

Professor Mohsen Khani speaks to the crowd about Iran in Building 8 on Oct. 14Sinclair Community College Professor Mohsen Khani dedicated an hour discussing the customs of Iran, on Oct. 14, in Building 8 as a part of the International Series that takes place each month during the each quarter.

With this month’s focusing on Iran, Khani, who was born and raised in southern Iran, talked about the general knowledge of his home country, the relationship between the U.S. and Iran and Iran’s impact on the world.

“I believe it’s absolutely necessary for people to understand something on Iran because (you) think (you) know something about all these countries from little bits and pieces we hear in the news and how they’re portrayed, but (you) really don’t understand we don’t see the other side,” the 48-year-old geography professor said.

Khani, who has been in the U.S. for 31 years, took questions during and after his presentation.

David Braga, a CIS major, attended the event to ask questions but felt that he never received an answer.

“Some people know how to walk around a topic and not really answer a question,” said Braga, who said his comment wasn’t completed directed at Khani.

Matt Merkel, an education major, said he learned a lot about Iran’s culture and government and would be interested in going to another event.

Paul Carbonaro, the ESL (English as a Second Language) coordinator, created the International series six years ago, but took last year off. Carbonaro said he started the event to ramp up international awareness at Sinclair.

Next month’s presentation will be about Costa Rica.