• Sun. Feb 23rd, 2025

What to read, what to read?

The man who doesn’t read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them. –Mark Twain

So, you’re in college to gain some sort of knowledge or skill and maybe get “well-rounded” along the way, right? You may have heard that the person who is best read is best prepared for life, but even after all of the textbooks and required reading, you may not know where to start on your own journey into the world of the well read.

Well, let me introduce you to thegreatbookslist.com.

Sure, there are hundreds or thousands of lists of books that everyone should read out there, but very few of them provide a concise list of 360 titles divided among six eras spanning from 2000 BC to the present day. At first glance, it can be a daunting collection of titles, but it also represents one of the best collections of representative literature found anywhere on the Internet.

Add to the value of the list itself the fact that the site’s author, Kevin Hill, provides links to bios of the authors and brief descriptions of many of the works along with links to an Amazon list that contains most of the titles found on the site. This information makes thegreatbookslist.com a great place for readers to start their journey into reading as well as to start research into the world of great literature.

And, if the 360 titles of literature aren’t enough, the site also provides a list of 30 of the greatest titles in scientific writing spanning from Aristotle to Stephen Hawking.

Check back with Tech Talk to find out about e-books available online for free and the following week to find out about audio books you can download for free. Finally, the week of Oct. 17, make sure to catch the Tech Talk overview of e-book readers and software.

Do you have an idea for a future Tech Talk? Let me know at dhitzeman@sinclairclarion.com