• Tue. Mar 11th, 2025

Take a bite out of this Apple

One of the most sensitive and fiery discussions among people seems to be a simple question: are you a Mac or PC?

We’ve all seen the commercials: Apple promotes its products by pointing out PC flaws and highlighting its own characteristics. PC returns the favor by pitching its low cost and easy accessibility.

I like to call myself a Mac daddy. I grew up with a PC and didn’t know any better. I thought viruses were inevitable and consistent pop-ups were included. Once I got my hands on a Mac, I couldn’t resist the smooth and charming experience. I purchased a MacBook in February and haven’t had a single problem. No pop-ups, viruses, lost connections or spyware.

Once I owned a Mac and used it on a daily basis, there was no turning back. I’ve since used a PC on a handful of occasions and each trial it feels like I step backward in time.

When I hear arguments for PCs, my eyes roll. Barring the price, there is nothing PC has over Mac.

I remember seeing a PC commercial involving a mother and daughter going to an electronics store searching for a new laptop. While shopping, the daughter came across some Apple computers and stated she wasn’t a “Mac person.” What does that mean? Is PC attempting to target the “I’m not cool enough to own a Mac” bracket.

According to a popularmechanics.com comparison, Apple won the battle between the two computing powers.

“In our speed trials, however, Leopard OS trounced Vista in all-important tasks such as boot-up, shutdown and program-launch times,” Popularmechanics.com said. “We even tested Vista on the Macs using Apple’s platform-switching Boot Camp software—and found that both Apple computers ran Vista faster than our PCs did.”

I know it’s a tough time for some when it comes to spending. PC is the way to go if you need a laptop for less than $500. In this sense, and when it comes to large purchases, I don’t have a problem paying for quality.

What are your thoughts on the “Mac vs. PC” argument? Log on to www.sinclairclarion.com and let me know.