• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Training academy goes beyond the minimum

The Criminal Justice Training Academy in Building 19 has a huge resource in Sinclair Community College, according to Training Coordinator Pete Willis.

“This is an excellent academy, and this college does everything it can to make it a successful program,” he said.

Willis believes he can provide his cadets with useful resources and training because of the college.  He regularly brings in members of other college departments to teach or enhance the learning environment.

For example, an athletics teacher will instruct cadets in boxing.  Also, an English professor will teach cadets how to write a professional report.  Some theatre students, who are paid for their time, will role-play with the academy cadets to give them experience in human relations.  This also gives everyone a chance to hone their skills, Willis said.

The State of Ohio requires cadets to undergo a minimum of 582 hours of training as of Nov. 1, 2007.  The academy at Sinclair requires additional training; Willis estimates that cadets will train nearly 700 hours before receiving their certificate.  Cadets attend a day or night class for four to six hours a day six days a week, he said.

“You have to make the academy your first priority,” he said.

All training, including courses not required by the state, is mandatory, according to Willis.  One course involves the dos and don’ts of K-9 handling, he said.  During the class a “bite suit” is available for cadets to wear so the dog can demonstrate.  Many cadets are eager to wear the suit, according to Willis.

“The dog will grab them by the arm and pull them to the ground,” he said.

He points out that the program is not a typical college class.  Law enforcement is a dangerous job with potentially dangerous consequences and Willis said he will not tolerate anything less than that mindset for his cadets.

The academy is in its 20th year of operation.  Applications are available for the winter term at http://www.sinclair.edu/trainingacademy.