• Mon. Mar 3rd, 2025

Is it just my mind or did anybody else experience an unbelievably short summer?

Another fall quarter begins at Sinclair Community College, which means parking lots become smaller and books become heavier. There are a ton of things that change on campus every year, and one of those things is the Clarion.

Seemingly, every year brings new faces and new opinions to our newsroom. I’m here to say that we will strive for nothing but the best at the Clarion during the 2009-10 year.

I was a part of the staff last year and I’m looking forward to putting out a proud and respectable paper every week.

A little help from you

Feedback is what we look forward to at the Clarion. It lets us know that people care about what they are reading. Remember, this paper is produced for the student body. If you have an opinion on what we at the Clarion are doing, give us your thoughts.

If you have a story, do not be afraid to share it with us. If you know some one who has an interesting story, tell them to stop by our office and let us know.

Sinclairclarion.com provides a great forum for students to click and type their minds away.

Don’t forget about us

The Clarion staff  students, too. With our small staff dedicating at least eight credit hours a week to classes, it can be tough at times to manage our studies, our work, and for most of us, part-time jobs outside of campus.

Mistakes are sure to be made, but I and my staff will do our best to put out clean and crisp copy for students to enjoy and be proud of.

The online journey

Former editor Rusty Pate promised students a Web site would be up before the end of the school year. Not only did Pate fulfill that promise, he helped put together a solid online product.

I came to realize how difficult it was to continually update a news site, but the Clarion will do its very best in loading fresh and constant content onto our page at www.sinclairclarion.com.

Truth and honor

Oscar Wilde said, “In America, the president reigns for four years, and Journalism governs for ever and ever.”

It’s quotes like this that make me take journalism very seriously. We are not here to take stories and spin them in our preferred direction. I promise the Clarion will report in a respectable and honest manner that readers can trust each and every time the paper is plucked from the stands.

The Clarion wishes every one at Sinclair a successful and memorable year.