• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Holiday! Celebrate!

One of my favorite Motown songs is the Rare Earth classic “I Just Want to Celebrate.” The crux of the song basically revolves around the singer wanting to celebrate just being alive.

That song could not be written today because reasons to celebrate – beyond being alive – exist everyday.

Take May 5 for example. Everyone knows it is Cinco de Mayo, but it is also World Asthma Day and Cartoonists Day. Wait, there’s more. May 5 also serves as National Teacher Day, Childhood Stroke Awareness Day, Childhood Depression Awareness day and Totally Chipotle Day. I am going to celebrate in shifts.

From 9 a.m. to noon I will reflect on teachers who have impacted my life. I will grab a burrito to celebrate Totally Chipotle Day from noon to 1 p.m. Then, I will crack open my “Far Side” books to celebrate Cartoonists Day from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. I’m not sure how to properly observe Childhood Depression Day or Childhood Stroke Day.

And that is just one day. Multiply that over 365 days and you will quickly see that we have become a nation of revelers. I didn’t even dive into the weekly and monthly observations. May alone has 62 different monthly observances, including National Moving Month. Moving? Does awareness really need to be raised about moving? How do I observe that? Do I have to move every May?

Some holidays contradict one another. May 6 is both No Homework Day and National Day to prevent Teen Pregnancy. If the kids are not going to be doing homework, I can probably guess how they will spend their time.

I understand that these holidays may not be officially recognized, but I’m just curious the origin for National Talk Like A Pirate Day (Sept. 19.) Was there a movement? Did a group of pirate-talking activist lobby for their day of recognition? Was there a debate? Did pirate haters get their say?

Surprisingly, December has the fewest of these holidays. So, those who want their own celebration, pencil it in for December.

Some observations make a lot of sense. March is Multiple Sclerosis Education & Awareness Month. Others make no sense. March is also National Umbrella Month.

I can get behind Gummi Worm Day (July 15), but I refuse to celebrate Hug a Vegetarian Day (Sept. 25.)

Far be it from me to judge anyone’s holiday. I may not agree with World Turtle Day or Tiara Day (both May 23), but I will fight to the death for Turtle and Tiara lover’s right to celebrate it.

Just don’t bother me on May 25 – I will be celebrating Cookie Monster’s birthday.