• Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

Campus Bible Fellowship provides students with materials to learn about God

Campus Bible Fellowship has been at Sinclair Community College for 25 years. David Elmore passes out pamphlets and daily devotionals at the Campus Bible Fellowship’s literature table once a week in Building 8.The Campus Bible Fellowship’s purpose is to lead people to God.

“[It’s to] introduce God to people who don’t know Him and encourage those who do know Him,” Elmore said.

Elmore, who is 72 years old, has been a preacher for 42 years and has been working with the Campus Bible Fellowship for five months. He keeps track of the students he has a “spiritual contact” with each day.

“I keep track of the kids I talk to,” David said. “I contact between ten to 15 students in a three hour period.”

The Campus Bible Fellowship holds a Bible study on Wednesdays in the basement of Building 8 Room 036 at 11 a.m., 12 p.m., and 1 p.m. Since being a part of the Campus Bible Fellowship, Elmore hasn’t had “any objections” from any students and gets joy from what he does.

“I enjoy talking with the young people,” Elmore said.