The Sinclair Alternative Religion Forum met on Jan. 22 in the Tartan Main Street Café, located on the third floor of Building 10. The group is currently in the process of becoming an official club at Sinclair.
“The main focus of the group is to promote understanding and learning,” said Kristopher Sumrall. “The more that people understand something the less people have to be afraid of it. That’s why people are so judgmental against alternate religions because they don’t know about it.”
The forum offers everyone a chance to learn about and understand the different religions that are available. Some religions discussed include Pagans, Wiccans, Asatruar, Druids and other minority faiths, according to the Alternative Religion Forum’s flyer. Bringing an open-mind is asked.
“It’s not just for people who have an alternative belief,” said Dawn. “It’s for those of us who believe in a system, in community, in humanity and social justice.”
The Alternative Religion forum plans to meet again on Feb. 19 at noon in the Tartan Main Street Café. For more information about Sinclair’s Alternative Religion Forum, contact