• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Opportunity to see your work published

The Clarion will publish the Clarion Review in the March 10 issue of the Clarion. The Clarion Review is a collection of original writing and artwork submitted by Sinclair students and selected by the editors of the Clarion.

Works accepted for the Clarion Review will be:

  • “Fast fiction” short stories of 1000 words or less.
  • Poetry of 25 lines or less.
  • Digital images of original artwork.
  • Original computer-based artwork.

Printed copies of all submissions must be delivered to the Clarion office in 8-027 by February 17 for review by the Clarion editorial staff.  See the article in the Jan. 6 issue of the Clarion or contact the editors at clarion@sinclair.edu or 512-2958 for more information.