• Mon. Feb 24th, 2025

Introducing sinclairclarion.com

At the beginning of Fall quarter, Clarion Editor Rusty Pate gave the paper’s staff an ambitious objective: launch a website for the paper before the end of the academic year. On Jan. 6, that objective becomes a reality with the launch of the Clarion’s online edition located at http://www.sinclairclarion.com.

Sinclairclarion.com will serve as the online location for the print edition of the paper as well as the place the Clarion staff can report timely news everyday. The website will also serve as a repository for timely information of interest to Sinclair students, faculty, and staff. The staff hopes to increase the flow of news and information about Sinclair to their readers to build the sense of community among them.

Beginning at the launch, users of the website will have the ability to register, which will allow them to comment on stories posted to the site. In addition, users can subscribe to email updates for when new articles are posted. The website will also have a Really Simple Syndication (RSS) feed.

The staff of the Clarion envisions sinclairclarion.com as developing into a portal for the Sinclair community. Future features of the site may include discussion forums and the ability of registered users to upload their own content to parts of the site. What is added to the site will be driven in great part by what the people who use the site want to have.

The staff of the Clarion looks forward to providing another venue for information about Sinclair to the Sinclair community.