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Novonty’s Nuptial Knowledge: Five Wedding Trends Headed Out

The best weddings are trendy as much as they are personalized. If you’re planning your wedding for 2019/2029, you’re probably preparing Pinterest boards, ripping images out of magazines and more…

Novotny’s Nupital Knowledge: Questions for Your Wedding Vendors

With summer gaining full speed ahead, bridal shows will be just around the corner. While these mini-conventions are a fun way to spend the day, they can be hectic if…

Novotny’s Nuptial Knowledge: 5 Tips for an Outdoor Wedding

The outside might be your fantasy scene for your big day yet there are a couple of things you have to remember when arranging your shoreline dream or backwoods gathering.…

Novotny’s Nupital Knowledge: Wedding Planning Guide (Part 3)

Welcome to the third and final part of this twelve-month timeline that will guide you through the process of wedding planning task by task from the first 12 months to…

Novotny’s Nupital Knowledge: Wedding Planning Guide (Part 2)

The wedding planning process is long and involved, and you should know what you’re getting in to. Here is part 2 of the 12-month timeline to planning your dream wedding.…

Novotny’s Nupital Knowledge: Wedding Planning Guide (Part 1)

How long it takes to plan a wedding really depends on the size of your wedding and how strongly you want things to be a certain way. A wedding with…