Claude’s Column: Does Technology Make People Lazy?
Disclaimer: I would like to give a quick shout out to my classmates at Tides of Grace homeschool co-op who assisted in putting this argument together over the spring semester.…
New Developments in HIV Research Create Potential Path to Cure
The first recorded case of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was discovered in 1983. Since then, scientists have made strides in slowing down the disease and making medical advances that ensure…
My Voice: Technology and How We Use It
Have you ever heard of the phrase “you teens and your phones?” How has that made you feel? Annoyed? Shameful? Nothing? The list of descriptors expands past the few…
New changes to Gmail
Gmail is a popular online email service provided by Google which is used by more than a billion people. Since its introduction in 2004, Gmail has received…
Sinclair’s UAS Program
With drones being a big part of the new technology in the modern age, the education behind them needs to keep up. Sinclair’s Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) program…
Gem City History: The Legacy of Charles “Boss” Kettering
This is an extended version of the article found in the 26th edition of The Clarion. Enjoy 500 extra words about the story of Charles “Boss Ket” Kettering. We…