• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

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My Voice: End the Declawing of Cats

Onychectomy (noun): surgical excision of a fingernail or toenail. To humans, this simple surgical procedure yields promise for it not only aims to curb infection from spreading to other extremities…

The New Opium of the Masses

   3.02 billion.    It’s hard to fully fathom the quantity of this number. It represents the amount of projected monthly active social media users by 2021, according to statista.com.…

Our Changing Climate

   According to the National Ocean service sea levels have risen 2.6 inches above the 1993 average. And according to organizations such as National Geographic, rising temperatures and sea levels…

Survival Guide

I’m really tired of reading pointless and fluffy advice columns, so here’s a lot of honesty coming your way in exchange for a few minutes of your time. While Sinclair…

The Waiting Game

It seems like high school students are pressured to go straight to college after graduation and to have a university and major already decided. However, this way of thinking can…

With Kleen Conscience – Are families on loan?

Lately, I’ve been thinking about what world lies beyond Sinclair, emotionally and developmentally for my life as a person and employee. What’s the next stage to everything? I’ve been looking…