• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

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Who Got Your Personal Information?

     March 2018 has brought about a media firestorm involving Facebook and Cambridge Analytica. While both deny that they have done anything wrong, that does not stop the flood…

Tweet Fatigue

Journalists love Twitter. We love it because it’s an easy way to get our stories out. It’s a shortcut to find quick, easy quotations for stories. And it is often…

In Life and Liberty: Down the rabbit hole

Social media is exhausting. It seemed like a great idea when it all started coming around. People could connect with each other and with the world so much faster than…

In Life and Liberty: The media, Facebook and Donald Trump

After the dust settled on Donald Trump’s election, questions still remained in the media. The mainstream media was faced with a problem it had never seen before in this election.…