• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

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Does ‘Selfie Culture’ Hurt Us Societally?

We’ve all done it – you’re at dinner and suddenly you’re thinking ‘wow, I better take a picture for social media of my food!’ or ‘This place would make a…

Interview with TikTok Star, Caoimhe Morris

TikTok is a rapidly growing social media app, created when ByteDance, a Beijing-based company, spent $1 billion to purchase Musical.ly and merged their own app Douyin (Chinese: 抖音) with it.…

The New Opium of the Masses

   3.02 billion.    It’s hard to fully fathom the quantity of this number. It represents the amount of projected monthly active social media users by 2021, according to statista.com.…

Polar Bears Invade Russian Towns

   Polar bears invading a Russian town has taken social media by storm. Videos of the fluffy white bears wandering around the town of Belushya Guba, Russia are being spread…

My Voice: Put Down the Phone this Holiday

   With the holidays approaching, many of us will return home to be with family or we will spend it with our friends nearby. The holidays are a time to…

Here’s Henry: Stop the Challenges

   So, I’m 23 years old and have been able to mostly avoid the craze of social media and the obsession people my age seem to have with documenting everything…