• Wed. Jan 22nd, 2025

Richard Foltz

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  • Hate Arrives at Home

Hate Arrives at Home

It would be an understatement to claim that Dayton experienced a rough Memorial Day weekend. The weekend’s storms that ravaged the area served as an exclamation point on a trying…

Dayton Shows Pride in the Face of Hate

After facing a hateful demonstration by members of the KKK and at least 15 tornadoes destroying homes and businesses, Dayton needed a reason to raise their heads up. Citizens gathered…

The Many Mouths of Mick Jagger

You may be wondering to yourself: I thought Mick Jagger was famous for his moves? The truth is, no, not really. Unless you count doing what I’ll call “The Stork…

The Countdown to Halloween: Week 2

Don’t Look Now! It’s The Ghost of Donald Sutherland’s Daughter One more week has passed, moving us one step closer to that holiest of holidays, the day to which we’re…

The Countdown to Halloween: Week 1

Starting this week, we start the slow, precipitous climb towards the best holiday of the year. That one true, brilliant day of the year when everything seems genuinely right with…

The Strange Connection Between the Two Captain Marvels

Released within a month of each other, Marvel’s ”Captain Marvel” and DC’s ”Shazam” have a lot more in common than the proximity of their release dates. You see, these two characters, the next successful…