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November’s Democratic Debate

On Nov. 20, the Democratic debate for the month took place in Atlanta, Georgia as the ten candidates who qualified to appear onstage looked to get a boost in the…

Dear Michael Bloomberg: Please Go Away

The name that few know about. The candidate that even fewer wanted.

Jojo Rabbit Finds Empathy in Hate

Disclaimer: This is not a review of the film. Instead this is an exploration on the themes of the film and why I feel they are important in our modern…

The House Votes For Trump Impeachment

A divided House of Representatives voted last Thursday, Oct. 31 to move ahead with the impeachment of President Donald Trump, the vote’s resolution coming to 232 for and 196 against.…

Who Are the Moderate Democrats Actually Fighting For?

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, California Senator Kamala Harris, former Rep. Beto O’Rourke and Minnesota Senator Amy Klobuchar may talk a good game when it comes to criticizing corporate…

The Democratic Debates: Round Two (Night Two)

On Wednesday, Night Two of the second round of the Democratic primary debates kicked off, this time shining the spotlight on former vice president Joe Biden, who came into the…