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Wolski’s Wrestling Ramblings: Podcastamania is running wild!

Every form of entertainment has a plethora of podcasts dedicated to it. Professional wrestling is no different with almost every retired performer having their own. People from Bret Hart all…

Wolski’s Wrestling Ramblings: A dose of chaos

The main event of last week’s WWE TLC pay per view was Kurt Angle and The Shield facing The Bar, Kane, Braun Strowman and The Miz in a Tables, Ladders…

Featured Artist: Ben Baugham

Over the past year, the sidewalks of Dayton have been changing like the skin of a chameleon. Some days they are the usual gray and dusty paths, but other days…

My Voice: The Portrayal of Gender in TV

Over the years, gender identity and the understanding of it has evolved and continues to evolve even now. Television shows have started taking on the topic, trying to explain it…

Featured Artist: Christina Hartzell

Only 1 year ago, Christina Hartzell had been newly fired from her full time job in retail and was looking for options. Challenged by her boyfriend, she decided to go…

Wolski’s Wrestling Ramblings: Hell in a Cell 2017 Review

Hell in a Cell 2017 looks promising. The two matches in the cell actually deserve to be in it due to the personal nature of the feuds and the undercard…