• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024


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My Voice: Life Found a way to Make “Jurassic World: Dominion” the Worst Jurassic Park Film

So walking out of the theatre after watching “Jurassic World: Dominion” all I could really ask myself is why? Why did they make the choices they made? Why did these…

Treasure and Discovery: “The Dig” Review

Netflix’s newest drama, “The Dig”, premiered on Jan. 29.  A true ensemble piece, it offers character-driven drama with few surprises.  Ralph Fiennes does a superb job as John Brown, a…

Unfiltered horror

Last Wednesday a new type of movie was released for download on Vimeo. The movie tilted, “Sickhouse” was actually originally posted in 10 second clips to popular social media app…

‘Paranormal Activity’ terrifies audiences

Every so often, a film comes along and frightens audiences in a strong and profound way. “Paranormal Activity” is one of those films. Not since “The Blair Witch Project” has…

A Childhood Surprise

A couple of weeks ago, I stumbled upon a trailer for the movie “Where the Wild Things Are.” It’s an adaption of the classic children’s book of the same name.…

A “Revolutionary” Downer

“Revolutionary Road” tells the story of the perfect couple, in the perfect house with an imperfect marriage, based on Richard Yates’ novel of the same title. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate…