• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024


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How to Take Care of Your Mental Health During Midterms

With midterm exams and project deadlines approaching, you may be feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Don’t worry, you are not alone!  I’m sure you’ve heard the “get lots of sleep and…

Club Spotlight is on the African American Male Initiative

“The driving force behind the African American Male Initiative (AAMI) is to ensure that African American males meet their goals for success. We want to go beyond graduation and help…

Tartan Spotlight: Words of wisdom from David Bodary

Mr. Bodary, who we may all know as the Chair of the Communication department, gave some advice to those who may need to hear some words of motivation during the…

My Voice: New Year’s Resolutions

As the new year progresses, the resolutions everyone has once again promised themselves are getting harder and harder to manage. Many times people create new goals and resolutions at the…

My Voice: A little Motivation

   Currently, it is the month of February and I hope everyone is settling into the hustle and bustle of the semester.    As a Sinclair student and part time…

Have a rough semester? Don’t let it kill your dream.

   The semester is coming to an end. It’s reflection time for those of us who messed up royally. Self criticism, self doubt, worry, or D. all of the above.…