• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024


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Campus Closed May 25 Due to KKK Rally

In a statement from Sinclair Community College President, Dr. Steve Johnson, the downtown Dayton campus is closed on Saturday, May 25 to ensure student safety during the Honorable Sacred Knights’…

KKK to Hold Rally in Dayton

The Honorable Sacred Knights, a Madison, Ind. based affiliate group of the Ku-Klux-Klan (KKK) are holding a rally in Dayton’s Courthouse Square on May 25 from 1-3 p.m. The city…

Hate Groups Reach 20 Year High, Southern Poverty Law Center Reports

   The Southern Poverty Law Center has marked, for the fourth year in a row, a growing trend in the rise and growth of hate groups.    According to the…