• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Jimaur Calhoun

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Arts and Entertainment upcoming events

Here is a list of activities all across the Miami Valley For Sinclair students who are looking for something to do when not occupied with school or work. On Saturday,…

Summer fun heats up Dayton

Students, are you looking for fun during the summer semester? In this edition of the Clarion newspaper there are listings of events happening all around the Miami Valley that are…

Raising money or controversy

Gofundme.com is a California-based crowdfunding platform that allows people to raise money for life events such as helping a student pay for college or raising money to help a struggling…

Sinclair students petitions against ‘sagging’

A student, who wishes to remain anonymous, has grown tired of seeing students sag their pants on campus, and has started a petition to prevent students from sagging their pants…

UAAMP gives back to Dayton

The Urban African American Mentor Program, UAAMP, is an on campus program designed to support students by building relationships with mentor teams in helping students achieve academic and personal goals.

The Real Gay Agenda

On Monday, March 30, members of Sinclair Community College LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgendered) community hosted a Sinclair Talks in the Library loggia titled “the real gay agenda.” It…