• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

jamario brown-tolliver

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  • Sinclair Hires New Chief of Police

Sinclair Hires New Chief of Police

After John Huber retired and a long search for a new Department of Public Safety, on Monday, Jan. 3, Sinclair hired their replacement to run the department: Tom Thompson. For Thompson,…

Pain and Addiction: One on One with Brenda Smith

Alcohol and substance abuse has always been a critical issue in the state of Ohio with activist groups and law enforcement teaming up to fight the problem. According to the…

Tartan Spotlight: Danny Knife

For this Tartan Spotlight, Sinclair alumni Danny Knife has a record of accomplishments. Sinclair was always a school that perfectly fit Knife’s needs.  ‘Mainly as an adult student, the flexibility…

The Unknown and Fascinating History of Christmas Trees

When it comes to the origins of Christmas trees, most people would assume it was a tradition that goes back to the Bible, but this is indeed false. Christmas trees…

Honoring Sinclair’s Finest: John Huber

For 34 years, John Huber had been working for the Dayton Police Department from January 1977 to January 2011. He transitioned to Sinclair to become a campus police officer where…

My Voice: Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving is around the corner and many people think of it as an important national holiday. Other people view Thanksgiving as a break from work, or just going to a…