• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Here’s Henry

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Here’s Henry: The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame is Jank

In 1986, The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame was established in Cleveland, Ohio. This Hall is dedicated to honoring the history and people who have contributed massively to rock…

Here’s Henry: Learn How to Drive

   So last semester I wrote a nice little tongue in cheek article called “Learn How to Walk,” describing parts of proper walking etiquette in the narrow hallways of Sinclair.…

Here’s Henry: Fantasy Football: A Love/Hate Relationship

   Last semester I took the plunge and joined a fantasy football league for the first time. I knew what it was and I had been interested in joining it…

Here’s Henry: Remembering Stan Lee

   I usually try not to put celebrities on some deity like pedestal above me, but Stan Lee is up there. The architect of the modern superhero, Lee is responsible…

Here’s Henry: The Ultra Special Super-Duper Deluxe Edition

   So I’m sure you’ve heard this one before: A new video game you’ve been wanting for a while is getting close to release, and you decide it’s time to…

Here’s Henry: Music You Can School With

   So at this point we’re in the sixth week of the semester and midterms are coming up. I can feel the dread radiating off of the paper or computer…