My Voice: Is Animal Testing Necessary?
Most people cannot stand the thought of their beloved pets suffering or even being made a little uncomfortable. But many animals across the globe are being used in unimaginable…
A Look at Mental Health in America
A 2009 Pew Research Center poll, based on people who search the internet for information on mental health, found that those affected by mental health disorders may make up…
Dwyn’s Den: The Violent History of Caffeine
Ah caffeine, the fuel for many finals and late night study binges. But this miracle substance is more than meets the eye. Caffeine is a chemical that naturally…
What it’s Like Living With a Thyroid Disorder
When I was about eight years old, I was diagnosed with a thyroid disorder called Hypothyroidism. Up to that point, I’d always been as thin as a rail, and…
Eating Clean and Happy: My College Student Lunch Box
There is a running joke that college students live off day old pizza, Ramen noodles and free food from random events around campus. Now for some people, that’s…
A look at the Biz Fit Foundation
Please allow me the pleasure of introducing Credo Bizimana. He is a Sinclair student studying exercise science and is graduating at the end of this year. Credo started his academic…