• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024


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Moving On: An Editor’s Goodbye

May 9 marks the day my time as a Sinclair student officially comes to an end. I first enrolled in Dayton’s downtown campus in the summer of 2018 with the…

In-Person Graduation Ceremony for Sinclair Students

This year Sinclair will not only be having one in-person graduation ceremony for 2021 graduates, it will have two. Both commencement ceremonies will take place on Thursday, May 6 at…

A Beginner’s Guide to Blogging

Regardless of what major you pursue or what you will soon be graduating with, you can put those report writing skills and English classes to good use and help define…

Learning Beyond the Classroom

The last thing a new graduate wants to think about is more education, but it’s always an idea to have in the back of your mind. Many careers require licenses…

The Next Step… and Beyond

   Once again dear fellow students I have the extreme displeasure of telling you that this semester, and for many students their time here at Sinclair, is almost at an…

Have a rough semester? Don’t let it kill your dream.

   The semester is coming to an end. It’s reflection time for those of us who messed up royally. Self criticism, self doubt, worry, or D. all of the above.…