• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024


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  • Playing it forward: Blizzcon and alternate reality gaming

Playing it forward: Blizzcon and alternate reality gaming

For many, Blizzcon brought months of endless alternate reality gaming to an end with the reveal of the new “Overwatch” hero Sombra.

Playing it Forward: The switch up

We’ve all heard of paying it forward, the trend of purchasing something small to for someone behind you in line—paying for their meal or their coffee to spread some good…

Playing it Forward: I’m a gamer girl

A few weeks back I was on “Overwatch” with a group of four other friends. We had an invite from someone on our six person team, whoever the host was…

Playing It Forward

We’ve all heard of paying it forward, the trend of purchasing something small for someone behind you in line—paying for their meal or their coffee to spread some good will.…