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Novonty’s Nupital Knowledge 4/16/19

Is it acceptable to have food trucks at my wedding? I’m not having a super high-end wedding and was hoping to reach out to some local food trucks to see…

Novotny’s Nuptial Knowledge 3/26/19

James, My wedding is in August and I was beginning to meet with a few caterers and bakers about my wedding cake. I really want my guests to love the…

Dwyn’s Den: The Violent History of Caffeine

   Ah caffeine, the fuel for many finals and late night study binges. But this miracle substance is more than meets the eye.    Caffeine is a chemical that naturally…

My Voice: Unpopular Food Opinions

   One particular question tends to get people fired up when asked on their input on the matter.    Is it a political question? Perhaps one about ethics? Nope, not…

Eating Clean and Happy: My College Student Lunch Box

   There is a running joke that college students live off day old pizza, Ramen noodles and free food from random events around campus.    Now for some people, that’s…

My Voice: To prepare food…

   It was a rather busy day at Target, taking place right before the Christmas holiday. The checkout lanes were full, and the small Starbucks inside was hopping.    The…