• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024


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Countdown to Halloween: The American Un-Dream

I promised at the end of the last post that we’d again veer away from “horror” and instead talk about a documentary, the subject being that of a forgotten horror…

Black Lemons, Liberal Lemonade: A Rebuke Against the Profitization of Black Plight

It’s time to address the prevalence of black “torture porn” within the film and print industry. Over the past few decades, Hollywood has been (rightly) criticized for its over-the-top, hackneyed…

Rocketman Review

The story of music icon Elton John graced the silver screen in “Rocketman,” a movie that took almost two decades to make. It released on May 31, 2019 and is…

Here’s Henry: Stop Making Live-Action Disney Movies

You may have noticed that Disney has been pumping out an overabundance of remakes of their beloved animated classic films. These are films that play it safe and stick to…

Pixar Palooza V: Finding Nemo

After their last film lost the first ever best-animated picture award to Dreamwork’s “Shrek,” (yes, really) Pixar returned in force with their award-winning fish flick, “Finding Nemo.” Directed by Andrew…

The Countdown to Halloween: Week 2

Don’t Look Now! It’s The Ghost of Donald Sutherland’s Daughter One more week has passed, moving us one step closer to that holiest of holidays, the day to which we’re…