• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

donald trump

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  • TrumpCare arrives

TrumpCare arrives

The American Health Care Act, also known as Trumpcare, made its debut last week.

Trump issues new ban

President Donald Trump’s administration released a newly revised immigration order last week.

Trumps cabinet faces Senate

Senate confirmation hearings have been filling up the week as each of President-elect Trump’s Cabinet nominees goes before the Senate to see if they can get voted into the Cabinet.

In Life and Liberty: The media, Facebook and Donald Trump

After the dust settled on Donald Trump’s election, questions still remained in the media. The mainstream media was faced with a problem it had never seen before in this election.…

100 days of Trump

Campuses nation wide have erupted after last Wednesday’s election results. Despite the loss of the popular vote, Donald J. Trump will be sworn in January 20 of the New Year.…

In Life and Liberty: R-E-S-P-E-C-T

In a surprising turn of events, Donald Trump has become the president-elect. This political season has been filled with turmoil and has arguably produced two of the most disliked presidential…