• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

Cerridwyn Kuykendall

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  • Sinclair Students Start Fundraiser for Gem City Marketplace

Sinclair Students Start Fundraiser for Gem City Marketplace

   Located on Salem Ave. on the west side of Dayton, the Gem City Marketplace is an “up and coming” grocery store created to help alleviate the food desert affecting…

Dwyn’s Den: Body Positivity in Today’s World

   It’s no secret that self-esteem and body image are real issues in our generation, especially for young women. And is this really a surprise? Between the media, the fashion…

Dwyn’s Den: Coffee Hot Spots

   Sensing a theme yet? For this weeks Dwyn’s Den I’m gonna run down a list of some of my favorite coffee houses/shops in the Dayton area. Cause we’ve got…

Sinclair Hosts Model UN Confrence

   The docket was full for the DAYMUNC (Dayton Model United Nations Conference) the first weekend in February. On Feb. 1 and Feb. 2, building 12 of Sinclair was home…

A Sea of Thoughts in Fabric

   A sea of fabrics has taken over the Library Loggia, bringing with them a flood of information about some major religions around the world.    The Golden Rule quilt…

Dwyn’s Den: The Violent History of Caffeine

   Ah caffeine, the fuel for many finals and late night study binges. But this miracle substance is more than meets the eye.    Caffeine is a chemical that naturally…