• Tue. Mar 4th, 2025

Celia Lavoie

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  • Nu Pi relays for life

Nu Pi relays for life

More than four million people from over 20 countries participate each year in Relay for Life. Relay for Life is a global campaign to raise money for cancer research. Every…

CCP jump-starts young minds

College Credit Plus has been a component of public high schools and junior high schools for a little over a year now. The program was unveiled February 2015 as a…

Sinclair Builds on Health Science Program

Health Sciences was recently granted a 31.5 million dollar budget to renovate and expand building 14 so the Health Sciences could collaborate and work in one place. The learning community…

Save Three Lives, Donate Blood

January is National Blood Donor Month. Blood Donor Month has been observed for more than 40 years and was started by the American Red Cross to encourage blood donations in…

America: Home of the brave and the AK-47

Following the tragic shootings in Paris last month many U.S. governors spoke out, banning Syrian refugees from their states. 31 states have stood out to say Syrian refugees are not…

Study Abroad

This May students will have the opportunity to study abroad in China. The trip is a two-week experience studying the culture of the country. Deborah Gavlik, Director of International Education…