• Tue. Jul 16th, 2024

campus life

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Study rooms upgrade

New technology has come to the Library! Students will now be able to use their phones and computers to connect to a monitor that will display anything they need for…

Campus Candids

Scholarships breakdown

     Has your family said the “S” word? Scholarships. With college tuition rates through the roof and more people pursuing higher education than ever, scholarships are worth the look.…

Unsung Heroes

     An Administrative Assistant never lives the same day more than once. Lora Bowling, the administrative assistant for the Humanities Department said that there is always typical office work…

TRIO, a support system for students

     TRIO is a group of programs funded by the Federal Government and the Student Support Services is one of the programs in TRIO. The Student Support Services is…

Tartan Spotlight: Ca Tisa Alexander

Meet… Ca Tisa Alexander is a psychology major completing her first year at Sinclair. Why She’s Interesting… With her deep love of travel, Alexander wants to take her future (and…